
Wednesday 31 July 2013

Houghton Forest

Another visit to Houghton Forest, mainly to try another ride, this time The Denture. Nothing to do with teeth, the name derives from "Devonshire" a method of farming where the ground is enriched by burning, or so I am led to believe from articles on the web. There is also The Dencher, the same derivation, over near Wilmington in East Sussex - there - you learn something new every day! It just might not be right though!!!

The weather was heavily overcast and there was precious little light and no depth of field but the butterflies were sitting out. First up were several Green Veined Whites followed by the ubiquitous Ringlets.  On the way back to the car park I spotted a single Chalkhill Blue with hints of orange spots on the hind wings. But the stars remain the Silver Washed Fritillaries, plenty of them about, some looking rather worn but displaying well on the heads of Hemp Agrimony.

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