
Friday 5 November 2021


 After such a long break it is difficult to put virtual pen to virtual paper, I am not sure why, as I haven't stopped going out into the countryside and I haven't stopped taking photographs. However the last two visits have galvanized me into action, whether I can maintain it remains to be seen.

Two trips this week - the second first as it were. Yesterday we went east for the first time in what seems ages. With decent morning light, a high tide and fairly calm conditions we figured that a visit to Newhaven would produce something of note.  Well, I would call it disappointing, others may have a more earthy description. Apart from a few sedentary gulls, vociferous Jackdaws and a host of feral pigeons, which Martin was tempted to log as Rock Dove, there was very little to be seen. The wide expanse of calm water in the harbour was also empty - not a single entity bobbing on the briny.

Onward, ever optimistic, to Seaford Head where, thank goodness we found several Rock Pipits. Alas the sea was almost empty, the only occupant was an obviously fit lady taking a dip in the high water. Martin remarked that it might be a tad cool but then, sensing the chill north wind that was blowing offshore, observed that actually the water temperature may be slightly higher than that of the air. On round to the car park above the golf course, where we found a plethora of corvids, Jackdaws, Rooks, Crows and a high flying Raven.

Next stop - Friston Forest where on previous winter visits we have managed to find the odd Brambling hiding within some flocks of Chaffinches. Success! We found a medium sized flock keenly rummaging for beechmast amongst the leaf litter and three Bramblings with them. With a bit of planning we managed to get into a position to take a few record shots. Conditions for photography were pretty poor, mainly due to the fact the canopy is still present, most trees still carrying a lot of leaves. Pushing the ISO up to a silly number resulted in several acceptable shots of a bird that seldom presents photo opportunities in our neck of the woods.

Earlier in the week we had ventured west to East Head at Wittering, ostensibly to find a lone Snow Bunting, but mainly as we hadn't been there for some time. I had forgotten how bad the place can be, the blight being the presence of so many dog walkers and dogs, on a leash or not. Of course there are pleasant memories of the place, mainly in deepest winter when people are thin on the ground and the large number of Brent Geese and plovers provide undisturbed photo opportunities.

Anyway I digress, we circumnavigated the Head, making the odd foray into the dunes but no sign of the bird. Making our way back to the car we suddenly came upon the bird, just a few feet from Martin's car and we almost trod on it. As it flushed and landed quite calmly, hardly ten feet away, we hastily got the cameras out, fearful that it would disappear from view. Not a bit of it, this most obliging bird went to feeding amongst the grass and very little spooked it. We stayed for over an hour and became "guardians" as we asked walkers who came close not to flush it. I have to say without exception all avoided the bird and most showed an interest as to what it was and whence it came.

Friday 7 May 2021

Out on the Downs

I was going to call this blog "A pair of Bottoms" but I have a feeling some visitors would have been disappointed in that I was referring to a geographical feature of the South Downs. Whilst I can find no accurate geographical definition of the word bottom, I assume that it literally means the bottom of a valley or the valley itself.

However, I digress. Another outing in the pilgrimage vein, keeping tabs on a couple of orchid populations that I have frequented over the years. I know I have done it all before but there is still excitement in finding little jewels that a vast majority of the public will never see and most of them wouldn't know an orchid if it fell on their heads. Both of the populations are tucked away - off the beaten track as it were. The first, Castle Hill reserve just behind Woodingdean is popular with dog walkers but even they decline to take the long walk on the far side of the reserve. I arrived at the car park about 07:20 well before everyone else and set off along the trail to Falmer Bottom. In the next three hours I met just one person - sheer bliss - a whole nature reserve to myself.  Having been before, the Early Spider Orchids were easy to find, even though this year, they are miniscule compared with other years. Lack of rain has left parts of the Downs parched, underfoot the grass is crunchy and dry. On the grassy slopes there are clear signs of what would be called overgrazing, I am sure winter grazing finished on time it is just the lack of rain that has failed to replenish the growth.

I reckon that I had seen a couple of hundred stems and there seemed to be plenty more to come. Though the numbers are down there are encouraging signs that outlier populations are being established away from the main site - time will tell.

Early Spider Orchid, Ophrys sphegodes

Early Spider Orchid, Ophrys sphegodes

Early Spider Orchid, Ophrys sphegodes

Early Spider Orchid, Ophrys sphegodes

Early Spider Orchid, Ophrys sphegodes

On the way back I recorded a couple of Small Coppers, one worn specimen was exhibiting blue spots on the hind wing - probably just sufficient to call it ab. caeruleopunctata 

Small Copper, Lycaena phlaeas ab. caeruleopunctata

Botany is not my strongest subject but I managed to record the well known Kidney Vetch, Anthyllis vulneraria.  Important as the sole larval host plant for the Small Blue Butterfly. However a small purple flower had me poring over the books when I arrived home.

Kidney Vetch, Anthyllis vulneraria

Common Milkwort, Polygala vulgaris

I returned to the car park and noted that I had been exactly three hours on the round trip.

Next venue was Anchor Bottom, access land between Shoreham and Upper Beeding. In a normal year there would be a thousand, probably more Green-winged Orchids on the southern side of this valley. Not this season, orchids few and far between and of diminutive stature. Still I managed to find both purple and pink forms. 

Green-winged Orchid, Anacamptis morio

Green-winged Orchid, Anacamptis morio

Green-winged Orchid, Anacamptis morio

Green-winged Orchid, Anacamptis morio

Green-winged Orchid, Anacamptis morio

Green-winged Orchid, Anacamptis morio

Green-winged Orchid, Anacamptis morio

Green-winged Orchid, Anacamptis morio

Green-winged Orchid, Anacamptis morio

Green-winged Orchid, Anacamptis morio

The rabbit population has increased fairly dramatically and grazing damage was evident, someone used to shoot here and this kept them in check.

On the way back to the car I noticed, on the grassy bank next to the road, a specimen of what I believe is False Oxlip, Primula veris x vulgaris, a hybrid between the Cowslip and the Primrose, large quantities of which were growing on the bank as well.

Tuesday 27 April 2021

Pilgrimage to Rewell Wood

 This is a bit of a resurrection job as I published this blog several days ago and subsequently spotted an error. I corrected the error pushed the update button and lo and behold the lot disappeared into cyberspace, never to be seen again. Of course no back up so I have to recreate what was after all a small blog.

About this time of year for the past seven years we have made what has become a pilgrimage to Rewell Wood in West Sussex. Primarily to pay homage to that most scarce and beautiful of butterflies - the Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Boloria euphrosyne. I believe the attraction is that this is a butterfly that was "hanging on" when we first started but now, locally, is on the up.

We usually park up in the layby at Fairmile Bottom and take the walk over the hill, of late I am sure the hill is getting steeper. On the way there is great anticipation and discussion, will we find it, who will spot it first? Questions that almost distract you from the sea of blue created by the Bluebells that carpet the woodland floor. This year the season seems a tad late and the blue vista is just emerging.

Arriving at the favoured ride it wasn't long before Martin spotted our first specimen, a male on a mission, not stopping, careering along the ride in search of a mate. Times past there would have been the sight of two elderly butterfliers chasing after each specimen, hell bent on getting the perfect shot. Things are a little more sedate nowadays, we have learned patience and the reward is the satisfaction of gaining some not too shabby record shots. We hung around for a couple of hours and in that time we probably had a dozen butterflies, mostly males, some of which were freshly emerged and preferring to bask in the warm sunshine. Orange Tip, Brimstone, Speckled Wood and Peacock were the supporting cast.

I managed to record a Gooden's Nomad Bee, Nomada goodiana, a wasp mimic that is a kleptoparasite. These are organisms that take over the nest or nest cell of the target host species. The offspring then feed off the food supplies intended for that of the host.

In contrast to the blue of the Bluebells the Common Dog Violets, Viola riviniana and Bugle, Ajuga reptans provide a striking purple hue to the areas that have been recently coppiced. Both plants are important to the PbF, the violet as a larval host plant and the Bugle as a common source of nectar. I couldn't resist recording the violet as it is the county flower of God's Own County - Lincolnshire.

Taken on a previous visit


Thursday 22 April 2021

Hail to the Emperor!

 Almost a year since my last blog, notwithstanding the trials and tribulations of Covid I just couldn't find the wherewithal to set pen to paper. Today I made my first proper foray into the field for many a long month. Way back in 2019 I planned that I would have a crack at finding and photographing Clearwing moths. Purchasing a full set of pheromone lures plus an additional lure for the Emperor Moth (Saturnia pavonia)  from Anglian Lepidopterist Supplies and several months researching likely sites I came up with a cunning plan. Then - all stop - lockdowns galore - no field trips - no photos and no blogs.

However, today all that changed as Martin and I visited a "Sussex Common" armed with two lures and a load of hope. I had read accounts of people using the lure and making irritating reports such as "I opened the lure and ten minutes later the moth magically appeared". Fat chance I thought but I was proved wrong, as we strolled along a track, lures clipped to our camera bags, two moths appeared, almost on the dot of the stated time. One disappeared after a short time but the other remained and perched nearby. Martin found it and of course it was in a position that was impossible for photography so the "moth wrangler" did the business and cajoled it  into resting in a more accessible spot. Great elation at achieving our goal, and as we progressed around the Common we were visited by even more and at one stage we had five in view at the same time.

Using the lure proved to be a steep learning curve, we will have to adapt our methods to be more moth and photographer friendly. The moths are only fooled for a relatively short time, driven to distraction by the pheromone it soon becomes apparent to the moth that there isn't actually a receptive female present. There are none of the added cues that a live moth provides such as movements and posture, so the male drifts off and does not return.

A big thankyou to Martin for helping me get back out there, on the way home I compared the day with having a "brain flush" Several hours of concentrated moth hunting and inane chat had removed a huge amount of mental clutter. I am not given to poetry but to quote Fernando Pessoa, as everyone does, "It's been a long time since I have been me."

Perhaps a go at the Large Red-belted Clearwing next, it has a penchant for birch stumps so there are some Sussex Commons and woodlands worth a visit and maybe another go at getting some improved Emperor photographs.

I hadn't totally given up on the natural world as I have run the moth trap in the garden during the lockdown, never a productive site and this year, so far, has been no exception. A Common Plume was hiding on a fence post, almost the same colour as the wood but definitely worth snapping.

Reports of White-tailed Eagles wandering around Sussex coastal sites have caused me to spend far too much time looking toward the heavens. This paid off with a fairly good sighting of a large female Sparrowhawk that frequents the neighbourhood. Sadly no sign of the eagle - yet.