
Saturday 16 June 2018

A Caravan of Stoats

Back in June, when we were on our annual Scottish Holiday at Lochan Lodge, we were sweltering in temperatures of 30 degrees and photographic subjects were keeping to the shade. However, Lochan Lodge has more than its fair share of rabbits and this year was no exception, with plenty of small bunnies about and of course this supports a number of stoats. Most years we see one and I was pleased when Liz spotted one emerging from the long grass. I grabbed the camera, took a couple of records, then with my best fieldcraft tried to get closer. Sure enough an inquisitive young stoat sat and watched me from a long way off. What happened next was a bit of a shock, a whole family or "caravan" emerged. The adults stood and watched as five kits ran riot round the lawn, climbed and fell out of trees and generally caused mayhem. 

Caravans don't tend to stay in the same place for long but they were still there the next morning and I managed to get closer, half camouflaged by a piece of scrim. It didn't fool the stoats, they knew I was there but were intrigued by the clicking of the camera shutter. After twenty minutes they got bored of watching me and wandered off into the undergrowth - no doubt they were intent on terrorising the rabbit population once again. Later on I set up the hide but the Law of Sod kicked in and we never saw them again.

A stoat!

More stoats!

Seven - a "caravan"

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